Therapy & evaluations for families in Philadelphia

Bring harmony & happiness back into your home

Your relationship doesn’t look the way you expected it to

I believe that loving families come in many shapes & forms

You are going through a divorce, separation, or major life transition.  You went into your last relationship hoping it was a sure thing.  You may have been deeply in love with your partner or maybe deep down you actually had serious doubts.  Either way, it’s become clear that that person isn’t your person.  But what does it mean to walk away from a relationship you’ve invested so much of yourself in? You were a wife or husband to this person.  A mother or father with them.  You were the professional so they could stay home with the kids.  Or maybe you were the super parent so your partner could have the career.  Whatever your particular story, you had a well-defined role for a long time.  Starting over? Dating again?  It feels daunting and confusing.  What will life look like in totally different roles?  And of course, how do you tell your kids?  Especially when your co-parent is impossible to communicate with or simply has different beliefs about when, how and what to say.


Surviving a break-up doesn’t have to be this hard

I have supported many children and parents like you through both straightforward and highly complex divorces.  Carving out the space and time to explore your unique experience is an invaluable gift you give to yourself. 

 Hi, I’m Dr. Haaz. 

I believe the right support is possible

Whether it’s a major life transition or a friendship thing-a-m-bob, relationships are never stagnant and always in flux.  Having the skills to navigating complex relationships issues saves a lot of metaphorical blood, nervous sweat, and heartfelt tears. 

Parenting without divorce is confusing, messy, and challenging.  Parenting through divorce adds many other layers.

And adulting without a break-up is complicated. With one, more so.

You don’t have to have all the answers

I help adults and teens process family separations.  While common, divorces remain one of the most stressful events for families.  Children act out, refuse to go to the other parents’ home, have accidents after being fully potty trained, or secretly record or spy on the other parent.  Parents might say too much about what’s going on with their co-parent, or not enough, leaving kids confused.  As adults, you may sleep too much or lie in bed at night replaying when you learned of an affair, or the latest round of possibly abusive texts.   It’s a lot to process and life doesn’t slow down for you to process … presentations at work continue, laundry piles up, kids still wake up early, and meals still need to be prepped and cooked. 

During periods of stress, we all tend to get overwhelmed.  By talking with a skilled therapist, you give yourself the best chance of recovering from this period quickly and smartly.  You don’t have time to get stuck here, to remain resentful or to spend tens of thousands of dollars in court. 

Together we can…

  • Discuss

    Gain clarity on how you arrived at this moment.

  • Discover

    Give you the space to discover what is most important to you and what kind of romantic relationship you want to follow this one.

  • Decide

    Problem-solve important decisions as they come up.

  • De-escalate

    Put out the fires of crises if any should arise (think high-conflict co-parenting, court involvement, panic attacks, childrens’ big reactions)

  • Decipher

    Improve communication between you are your kids, you and your co-parent, and you and the world. After all, how do you explain divorce to friends, acquaintances, work and your kids’ school?

Which describes what you’re looking for best?

  • Individual therapy for adults who want to understand past relationship ups-and-downs and create lasting connections. Learn more.

  • Individual therapy for children/teens ages 10+ who are looking for a therapist who truly gets them. Learn more.

  • Custody evaluations, mental health evaluations & psychoeducational evaluations for families looking for insight, clarity, and help planning their futures.

    Learn more.

If you want to find a way to heal from a break-up, parent with greater power and peace, give your child the gift of a neutral confidante, or get an expert evaluation that creates a plan for your family, then I am the person for you.

How it works

Ready to get started?

1. Reach out

Use the contact form to book your free 15-minute consultation today.

2. Get support

Therapy will bring answers to your questions and solutions to the problems that keep coming up.

3. Experience change

Step confidently into the next phase of life with renewed emotional strength to handle whatever’s on the horizon.


What would life look like if you could look forward instead of back?

  • From feeling...

    Consumed by conflict & frustrated by co-parenting

    Confused about what you really want

    Unsure of how to react, what to say, how to feel

    Sad or angry / Guilty or ashamed

  • To Feeling...

    Competent to set boundaries with your co-parent, family member or ex

    Confident in yourself

    Clear about what you want

    Calmer than ever before

    Connected to the right people

Therapy has never been more convenient.  

You can get therapy from anywhere. In-person therapy is offered in Fort Washington, PA.  Online therapy is offered to residents of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York.